Sorry for the lack of updates in the news… But this is definitely on the to-do list! Meanwhile, you can hear about the lab news (and more!) on Christophe’s twitter feed.
Our recent article on the ultrastructure of actin rings in the press
Two French scientific magazines have highlighted our recent article about the ultrastructure of axonal actin rings, both in their March issue: Science et Vie (bottom on the pic below) made a short story about it while Pour la Science (top) featured a PREM image of an axon as a beautiful double-page spread.

On the other side of the Atlantic, our work was featured in the March-April issue of the American Scientist magazine for their “Sightings” column. Happy to see our work getting attention in the press!

The NeuroCyto team in La Provence newspaper
Local newspaper La Provence ran an article about the NeuroCyto team in its January 17 edition. Thanks to journalist Delphine Tanguy for her visit and interest in our work!

France Culture highlights our recent article

If you speak French, you can listen to “La Méthode Scientifique”, a program on the France Culture radio which highlighted our recent article about the ultrastructure of the periodic axonal actin scaffold. Here’s the clip with an interview of Christophe:
More info on the France Culture website.
First edition of the INP day
Now that the Institute of Neurophysiopathology is settled as a whole on the Timone Campus of the AMU School of Medicine, we organized the first INP day at the Black Rock pub in Marseille. It was a big success with lots of fun and games! There were more scientific parts such as the 3-minute presentation by a PhD student of each team – Dominic did great for NeuroCyto.

The team leaders also recorded short “elevator pitches” that will be used to advertise to work of the INP teams – here’s a short behind-the-scenes video with Christophe explaining what we do:
10-year anniversary of the ATIP-AVENIR program
On November 4th, a one-day symposium was organized at the College de France in Paris to celebrate the 10 years of the ATIP-AVENIR program, which funded and helped the creation of the NeuroCyto lab in 2017. We could hear about the history and evolution of the program from its creators and directors, as well as science stories from past awardees. Check more photos of the event here.

A NeuroCyto image used for the “Cell la Vie!” meeting
Organized by the French Society for Cell Biology (SBCF), the biennal international conference “Building the Cell” is now called “Cell la Vie!”. The 2020 edition will happen from September 23rd to 36th at Institut Pasteur in Paris. Check the beautiful poster that was made from one of our images (COS cells labeled for microtubules and actin)!

The NeuroCyto lab at NeuroFrance, French neuroscience meeting
Marseille hosted the 2019 French neuroscience meeting from May 22 to May 24. The INP institute was present with numerous talks and posters showcasing the work of our labs (see here for a complete list). The NeuroCyto team was of course there, with Dominic presenting his first poster on the role of presynaptic actin, as well as a talk from Christophe on the ultrastructure of axonal actin rings that he also presented the day before at the satellite meeting on the spinal chord .

Brève Science & Vie
Christophe was interviewed by journalist Anne Debroise of the French scientific magazine Science & Vie about a recent article from the Bock lab (Zheng et al., 2018) that provides the volume of an adult Drosophila fly brain by electron microscopy. You can read the short article here (in French, subscription required) or via the screenshot below.