“Emerging Concepts in the Neuronal Cytoskeleton” meeting in Chile

Christophe participated to the Emerging Concepts in the Neuronal Cytoskeleton meeting in Villarica, Chile. He was the first speaker of the meeting in the “Super-resolution microscopy of the neuronal cytoskeleton, straight after three flights and 30 hours of travel! He presented new results on the visualization of axonal actin rings using super-resolution and electron microscopy (see the preprint here). The meeting was excellent with a stunning location by the lake, lots of amazing talks and interesting discussions. Read more on Twitter.

Christophe’s talk (photo @disadwig)
The beautiful view on the lake (photo @DoPaMine2go)
Tony Brown in deep concentration (photo @christlet)
A walk at the bottom of the volcano with @Roy_Lab_Thinks

Check also the beautiful photographs of the participants taken by Rodolfo Carvajal (full slideshow here):

We will co-organize the next edition in 2021 with Stephanie Gupton (UNC, North Carolina, USA) and Carlos Wilson (IMMF, Cordoba, Argentina), so stay tuned!

The NeuroCyto 2019 participants