Visit to Japan: Kusumi lab and Biophysical Society of Japan meeting

Together with Tijana Jovanovic-Talisman (City of Hope) and Paul Maddox (UNC), Christophe was invited by Aki Kusumi and Taka-aki Tsunoyama at the Okinawa Institute of Technology (OIST) for a seminar on new microscopy techniques. Aki and Taka were wonderful hosts and the OIST is a stunning place to do science!

A 180° view of the OIST entry gate
Group pic in front of the Kusumi lab (beautiful platinum-replica EM from Morone et al. JCB 2006)
Christophe’s talk at OIST – pic courtesy of @paul_s_maddox

Taka and Aki then brought us on the island of Kyushu, the southern island of the main Japanese archipelago. We went to the city of Miyazaki to participate to the 57th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan. Our symposium was entitled “Biophysical Physiology and Pathology by the Application of Superresolution Microscopy” – featuring interesting talks with beautiful images from Takahiro Fujiwara (Kyoto University) and Makio Tokunaga (Tokyo Insitute of Technology).